Bulgarian Timeline

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History is the study of people, interactions, decisions, actions, behaviours and past events.


The study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity.


Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society."It includes dress, language, religion, etc.

Why Bulgaria


Magnificent History

Did you know that Bulgaria is the oldest country in Europe that hasn't changed its name since it was first established?

Exceptional Traditions

Bulgaria is worldwide famous for its folklore and opera singers and musicians.

Intertwining Cultures

The culture of Bulgaria is based on an interesting blend of Thracian, Slavic and Bulgarian traditions.

Beginning of Bulgaria

Bulgaria is famous as the oldest country in Europe! Founded in 681 AD by Khan Asparuh and since then preserved its original name. Bulgaria is also famous for its natural diversity as mountains, plains, Black Sea Coast, rivers, lakes and hot springs.


Srebarna is a maintained biosphere reserve in Bulgaria, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Ivan Rilski

Rila Monastery "St. Ivan Rilski" is among the most important cultural monuments in Bulgaria, a symbol of the country.

Madara horseman

The Madara Horseman is a medieval relief carved on a sheer rock.

Cave Prohodna

Prohodna is a karst cave. The cave has two eye-like holes in its ceiling, known as "The Eyes of God".

Khan Asparuh created the First Bulgarian State. A peace treaty was signed between Byzantium and Bulgaria, under which Bulgaria acquired the Danube plain.

In 705 Bulgaria carried out its first serious intervention of Byzantium. The territories of Bulgaria expanded for the first time south of the Balkans.

Krum is a medieval Bulgarian monarch who ascended the throne. While ruling, Bulgaria strengthened its position on the Balkan Peninsula thanks to numerous battle victories.

The conversion of Bulgaria is a process of acceptance and establishment of Christianity as the official state religion in Bulgaria, which began in 864.

The emergence of the Old Bulgarian alphabet and the Slavic script is related to the work of the two first teachers Kiril and Metodii.

Peter was a Bulgarian king who ruled Bulgaria from 927 to 969. Peter was the second son of King Simeon. He is the longest reigning Bulgarian ruler.

Samuel was a Bulgarian king who ruled Bulgaria from 997 to October 6, 1014. He was the first ruler of the Comitopuli dynasty. He ruled alongside his brothers.

The second Bulgarian state was established in 1185 after the uprising of Assen and Peter against Roman rule. The second Bulgarian state is a feudal state.

Tsar Kaloyan becomes the ruler of the second Bulgarian state after his brothers Assen and Peter were murdered. His ruling lasts only from 1197-1207. He was assassinated

In 1217 the sons of Tsar Ivan Assen I - Ivan Assen II and Sevastocrator Alexander returned to Bulgaria, who were greeted with enthusiasm by the Bulgarian population.

In 1396, Ivan Sratsimir joined the Crusade of the Hungarian king Sigismund, but the Christian army was defeated bringing an end to the medieval Bulgarian state.

The April Uprising in 1878 leads to the freedom of Bulgaria. After almost 500 years of Ottoman ruling, with the help of the Russians, Bulgaria wins.

The Kingdom of Bulgaria took part in World War I on the side of the Central Powers from 14 October 1915, when the country declared war on Serbia.

Bulgaria resisted Axis pressure to join the war against the Soviet Union, which began on 22 June 1941, but did declare war on Britain and the United States.

The history of Bulgaria from 1990 to the present is the period of Bulgarian history that begins after the fall of Communism and the transition to a market economy.

Bulgaria Throughout The History